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Australian Journal of Chemistry Australian Journal of Chemistry Society
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Quantum-chemical Ab Initio Calculations on the Donor–Acceptor Complex Pyridine–Borabenzene (C5H5N–BC5H5)

Mohammed Mbarki A , Marc Oettinghaus A and Gerhard Raabe A B
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A Department of Organic Chemistry, Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen University, Landoltweg 1, D-52074 Aachen, Germany.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Chemistry 67(2) 266-276
Submitted: 3 August 2013  Accepted: 2 October 2013   Published: 7 November 2013


The adduct of borabenzene (C5H5B) and pyridine (C5H5N) was studied by means of quantum-chemical ab initio and time-dependent density functional theory calculations at different levels of theory. In the fully optimized structure (MP2/6-311++G**) of the free donor–acceptor complex (C2), the C–B–C angle amounts to 120.6°. The planes of the two aromatic rings enclose a torsion angle of ~40° with a barrier to rotation about the B–N bond of less than 3 kcal mol–1 (1 kcal mol–1 = 4.186 kJ mol–1). The highest computational level applied in this study (complete basis set limit, coupled cluster with single and double excitations (CCSD)) results in an energy associated with the reaction of borabenzene with pyridine of –52.2 kcal mol–1. Natural bond orbital analyses were performed to study the bond between the borabenzene and the pyridine unit of the adduct. The UV-vis spectrum of the adduct was calculated employing time-dependent density functional theory methods and the symmetry-adapted cluster-configuration interaction method. Our calculated electronic excitation spectrum of the pyridine adduct as well as its spectrum of the normal modes qualitatively reproduce the characteristic features of the IR and the UV-vis spectra described by experimentalists and thus allows assignment of the observed absorption bands, which in part agree with those by other authors.


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