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Flash (Vacuum) Pyrolysis Apparatus and Methods*

Curt Wentrup A
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A School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia. Email:

Curt Wentrup was educated at the University of Copenhagen (Cand. Scient. 1966 with K. A. Jensen; D.Sc. 1976) and the Australian National University (Ph.D. 1969 with W. D. Crow). After post-doctoral periods with Hans Dahn (Lausanne), W. M. Jones (Gainesville, FL), and Maitland Jones, Jr (Princeton), he held an assistant professorship at the Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, and a professorship at the Universität Marburg, Germany, before returning to Australia in 1985 as Professor and chair of organic chemistry and head of the organic chemistry section at the University of Queensland, where he is now Emeritus Professor. He has been the editor-in-chief of the Australian Journal of Chemistry since 2008, and chair (now immediate-past chair) of the National Committee for Chemistry of the Australian Academy of Science, of which he is a Fellow, since 2009. He has published over 300 research papers as well as over 30 reviews, chapters, and books. His interests are in the fields of both experimental and computational chemistry of reactive intermediates and unusual molecules using photochemistry, flash vacuum thermolysis, and microwave-induced chemical reactions; in particular, chemistry of nitrenes, carbenes, cumulenes, nitrile ylides, and nitrile imines, pericyclic rearrangements of cyanates, isocyanates, thio- and isothiocyanates, and nitrile oxides and sulfides, and the chemistry of extended cumulenes. He is a recipient of the 2003 Centenary Medal of the Australian Commonwealth for research in organic and physical chemistry, and the 2014 David Craig Medal of the Australian Academy of Science, and he is a JSPS Fellow in 2014.

Australian Journal of Chemistry 67(9) 1150-1165
Submitted: 25 February 2014  Accepted: 21 March 2014   Published: 30 April 2014

36 articles found in Crossref database.

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