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Australian Journal of Chemistry Australian Journal of Chemistry Society
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The Structures of Four Tryptophyllin and Three Rubellidin Peptides From the Australian Red Tree Frog Litoria rubella

ST Steinborner, CW Gao, MJ Raftery, RJ Waugh, T Blumenthal, JH Bowie, JC Wallace and MJ Tyler

Australian Journal of Chemistry 47(11) 2099 - 2108
Published: 1994


The peptide content of the glandular secretions of Litoria rubella specimens collected from Derby and Lake Argyle (Kimberley region of Western Australia) and from near Darwin in the Northern Territory are all quite different; this suggests that there are different frog populations in these three areas. These different populations may be indicative of either different species or different sub-species of frog. There are two separate families of peptides in the glandular secretion of 'Litoria rubella': ( i ) those corresponding to the tryptophyllin family (tetra- to hepta -peptides all containing the residues Pro and Trp ), and (ii) the rubellidinins ( pentapeptides all containing two Phe residues at positions 3 and 4). To ate, no biological activity has been found for any of these peptides, but it is suspected that the tryptophyllins may be neurotransmitters or neuromodulators.

© CSIRO 1994

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