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Australian Journal of Chemistry Australian Journal of Chemistry Society
An international journal for chemical science

The Photoelectron Spectra the Chloro Toluenes

JB Peel and EI Vonnagyfelsobuki

Australian Journal of Chemistry 40(4) 751 - 759
Published: 1987


The HeI and HeII photoelectron spectra of the chloro toluenes have been measured. The spectra are assigned using HeI/HeII cross-section ratios and a composite-molecule model within an ab initio valence-electron-only model potential (VEOMP) framework. The order of the first two ionization potentials for the chloro toluenes is assigned as πS < πA which is contrary to the VEOMP assignment for benzal chloride and benzotrichloride , but is consistent with linear correlations using group electronegativities and σI scales. Furthermore, linear correlations using the first two ionization potentials of fluoro and chloro toluenes with group electronegativities are shown to be a useful aid in spectral assignment and, moreover, suggest that for benzyl fluoride and benzal chloride the most appropriate σI values are 0.20 and 0.31 respectively.

© CSIRO 1987

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