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Australian Journal of Chemistry Australian Journal of Chemistry Society
An international journal for chemical science

Electron-Transfer Reactions in Non-Aqueous Media. IV. A Temperature-Dependence Study of the Reduction of CoCl(NH3)52+ by Iron(II) in N,N-Dimethylformamide

KR Beckham and DW Watts

Australian Journal of Chemistry 32(7) 1425 - 1431
Published: 1979


A detailed study has been made of the temperature dependence of the rate of reduction of CoCl-(NH3)52+ by iron(II) in N,N-dimethylformamide. The observed rate constants (kobs) for this reaction are complex functions of an equilibrium constant (K) for the formation of a bridged intermediate, the rate constant for electron transfer in this bridged intermediate (k), and the iron(II) concentration. From studies of the dependence of kobs on iron(II) concentration at five temperatures the temperature dependences of both K and k have been resolved, yielding respectively ΔHº -20k±12 kJ mol-1, ΔSº -44±40 J K-1 mol-1 and ΔH* 107±4 kJ mol-1, ΔS* 57±16 J K-1 mol-1. The results are interpreted in terms of a bridged intermediate in which the iron atom is tetrahedrally coordinated.

© CSIRO 1979

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