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Australian Journal of Chemistry Australian Journal of Chemistry Society
An international journal for chemical science

Octahedral cobalt complexes in dipolar aprotic solvents. VIII. The proton magnetic resonance spectra of some octahedral cis- and trans-Bisethylenediaminecobalt(III) isomers in NN-dimethylformamide, NN-dimethyl-acetamide, and dimethyl sulphoxide

IR Lantzke and DW Watts

Australian Journal of Chemistry 20(1) 35 - 52
Published: 1967


The proton magnetic resonance spectra of a series of octahedral bisethylene-diaminecobalt(III) complexes in the dipolar aprotic solvents NN-dimethylformamide, NN-dimethylacetamide, and dimethyl sulphoxide have been examined. Resonances due to the protons attached to the nitrogen atoms of the ethylenediamine ligands are easily observed in these solvents, and their chemical shifts are reported, together with some similar data determined in deuterium oxide, and 95% sulphuric acid. The pattern of the nitrogen proton resonances is dependent on the stereo- chemistry of the complex. Using these differences in resonance, the cis configuration of some recently synthesized solvent complexes has been confirmed. The observed resonances are assigned to the particular protons in most cases.

© CSIRO 1967

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