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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

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Alpine and Subalpine Wetland Vegetation on the Bogong High Plains, South-eastern Australia

C.-H. Wahren, R. J. Williams and W. A. Papst
47(2) pp.165 - 188

35 articles found in Crossref database.

Global Change and Mountain Regions (2005)
Williams Richard J., Wahren Carl-Henrik
Plant and soil P determine functional attributes of subalpine Australian plants
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Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 2018 50(1).
Responses of exotic plant species to fires in Pinus ponderosa forests in northern Arizona
Crawford Julie A., Wahren C.‐H.A., Kyle S., Moir W.H.
Journal of Vegetation Science. 2001 12(2). p.261
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Kamiyama Chiho, Katabuchi Masatoshi, Sasaki Takehiro, Shimazaki Masaya, Nakashizuka Tohru, Hikosaka Kouki
Ecological Research. 2014 29(4). p.607
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Yusuf Anne Yalien, Silvester Ewen, Brkljaca Robert, Birnbaum Christina, Chapman James, Grover Samantha
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Community-level changes in Australian subalpine vegetation following invasion by the non-native shrub Cytisus scoparius
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Invertebrates in Freshwater Wetlands (2016)
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Geographical Research. 2019 57(2). p.230
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Jayasekara Charuni, Leigh Catherine, Shimeta Jeff, Silvester Ewen, Grover Samantha
Plant and Soil. 2024
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Hydrobiologia. 2016 777(1). p.119
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Freshwater Biology. 2019 64(5). p.856
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Grover S. P. P., McKenzie B. M., Baldock J. A., Papst W. A.
Soil Research. 2005 43(8). p.963
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Biodiversity and Conservation. 2012 21(6). p.1577
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Environmental Chemistry. 2018 15(8). p.513
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Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 2001 33(3). p.357
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Australian Journal of Botany. 2007 55(2). p.103
Community‐level changes in Australian subalpine vegetation following invasion by the non‐native shrub Cytisus scoparius
Wearne Lynise J., Morgan John W.
Journal of Vegetation Science. 2004 15(5). p.595
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McCartney Victoria A., Silvester Ewen, Morgan John W., Suter Phillip J.
Australian Journal of Botany. 2013 61(7). p.566
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Ecological Management & Restoration. 2016 17(2). p.147
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Plant Ecology. 2006 183(2). p.361
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Mitchell Michael, Lockwood Michael, Moore Susan A., Clement Sarah
Journal of Environmental Management. 2015 150 p.69
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Silvester Ewen
Environmental Chemistry. 2009 6(5). p.424
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Lunt Ian D., Eldridge David J., Morgan John W., Witt G. Bradd
Australian Journal of Botany. 2007 55(4). p.401
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Karis Terry, Silvester Ewen, Rees Gavin
Journal of Hydrology. 2016 542 p.317
Fire Effects on Soils and Restoration Strategies (2009)
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Setting research priorities for effective management of a threatened ecosystem: Australian alpine and subalpine peatland
Rowland Jessica A., Walsh Jessica C., Beitzel Matthew, Brawata Renee, Brown Daniel, Chalmers Linden, Evans Lisa, Eyles Kathryn, Gibbs Rob, Grover Samantha, Grundy Shane, Harris Rebecca M. B., Haywood Shayne, Hilton Mairi, Hope Geoffrey, Keaney Ben, Keatley Marie, Keith David A., Lawrence Ruth, Lutz Maiko L., MacDonald Trish, MacPhee Elizabeth, McLean Nina, Powell Susan, Robledo‐Ruiz Diana A., Sato Chloe F., Schroder Mel, Silvester Ewen, Tolsma Arn, Western Andrew W., Whinam Jennie, White Matthew, Wild Anita, Williams Richard J., Wright Genevieve, Young Wade, Moore Joslin L.
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Environmental and vegetation variables have a greater influence than habitat fragmentation in structuring lizard communities in remnant urban bushland
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