Double Helix Issue 58

Magazine - September 2022 - AU $9.99

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Check out amazing collections in nature and science, and get tips for starting your own collection!

This issue is all about collections! CSIRO maintains some of Australia’s most important collections. Come take tour and meet some amazing scientists and special specimens. You can learn more about our deadly virus collection, or make your own seaweed collection, just like ours. Or if weather is more your thing, join us as we explore Australia’s many seasons. + Full description

Learn how to dry and press flowers for your own collection, and meet some curious animals and work out who’s better at collecting – birds or crabs? We explore the tricky work of saving old video games so that people can still play them. And for a different type of preservation, we take a peek at how to survive on Mars.

- Short description


Magazine | September 2022 | $ 9.99
ISBN: DH08/58 | 40 pages | 297 x 210 mm
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Colour illustrations, Colour photographs