Tawny Frogmouth

Paperback - July 2018 - AU $39.99

eBook - July 2018 - eRetailers

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A fully revised, easy-to-read second edition providing the most comprehensive single study of tawny frogmouths.

The tawny frogmouth is one of Australia’s most intriguing and endearing birds. Written by award-winning author Gisela Kaplan, one of Australia’s leading authorities on animal behaviour and native birds, this second edition of Tawny Frogmouth presents an easy-to-read account of these unique nocturnal birds, which can be found across almost the entire continent. Fully revised and updated throughout, this book combines 20 years of systematic observation with published research and information from regional surveys, and represents the most comprehensive single study ever conducted on tawny frogmouths. + Full description

We learn that tawny frogmouths are very affectionate, have close bonds with lifelong partners, scream like prowling tomcats when distressed, fight with lightning speed and defend nest sites from reptilian predators by mobbing and spraying pungent faeces at them. Uncompromising male fights are contrasted with the touching gentleness of males as fathers. We also learn how resilient and unusual tawny frogmouths are in the way they cope with heat and cold and scarcity of water, sit out danger, and use a large variety of food items.

This fascinating book has a wide appeal to bird lovers, amateur ornithologists and naturalists, as well as those with a scientific or professional interest in native birds, their communication, emotions and skills.

- Short description


Paperback | July 2018 | $ 39.99
ISBN: 9781486308163 | 168 pages | 245 x 170 mm
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Illustrations, Photographs

ePDF | July 2018
ISBN: 9781486308170
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers

ePUB | July 2018
ISBN: 9781486308187
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers