Recovering Australian Threatened Species

A Book of Hope
Edited by: Stephen Garnett, Peter Latch, David Lindenmayer, John WoinarskiAn inspiring showcase of successful approaches and implementation methods for conservation.
Australia’s nature is exceptional, wonderful and important. But much has been lost, and the ongoing existence of many species now hangs by a thread. Against a relentless tide of threats to our biodiversity, many Australians, and government and non-government agencies, have devoted themselves to the challenge of conserving and recovering plant and animal species that now need our help to survive. This dedication has been rewarded with some outstanding and inspiring successes: of extinctions averted, of populations increasing, of communities actively involved in recovery efforts. + Full description
Recovering Australian Threatened Species showcases successful conservation stories and identifies approaches and implementation methods that have been most effective in recovering threatened species. These diverse accounts – dealing with threatened plants, invertebrates, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals – show that the conservation of threatened species is achievable: that it can be done and should be done. They collectively serve to inform, guide and inspire other conservation efforts. This is a book of hope and inspiration. It shows that with dedication, knowledge and support, we can retain and restore our marvellous natural heritage, and gift to our descendants a world that is as diverse, healthy and beautiful as that which we have inherited.
Joint recipient of the 2018 Whitley Certificate of Commendation for Conservation Zoology
- Short descriptionReviews
"I think the key to the significance of this book is in its sub-title... [This book] should be required reading for anyone contemplating such a program, but if you just need a boost in these dark days then you could do worse than dipping in. This is good science, written accessibly, and good news."
Ian Fraser, Natural History Reviews Newsletter 26, June 2018
"It is an injection of optimism about what conservationist and the community can do to conserve our environment, especially threatened species."
Eren Delgado, Australasian Plant Conservation 27(2), September-November 2018
"Ambitious and aspirational, A Book of Hope showcases dozens of successful Australian conservation projects—and aims to lead the way for many hundreds more.
Cara Schultz, Australian Birdlife, June 2018
"The hope that may be derived from this book is not simply that some threatened species recovery actions may have successful outcomes; there is hope to be taken from the fact that these case studies were not simply the lucky ones, but that there are identifiable features of these projects that can be recognised and emulated. [T]his book represents a conservation practitioner’s toolbox, a roadmap... that points to those factors that most influence the probability of a positive outcome."
Saul Cowen, Pacific Conservation Biology 24(4), December 2018
"In this time of bad news, A book of hope has come along at just the right time to remind us of all the good work that has been done so far for our threatened species. Although the campaign to recover our threatened species continues unendingly, the book serves to remind us of all the battles that have been won and what dedicated and supported people can achieve."
Dave Fleming, Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 26(2), 2019
"This book provides a timely reminder that not all is lost, and that in fact there are many recovery projects supported by a multitude
of dedicated professionals that have met with success."
Mark Antos, Australian Field Ornithology 38(118), July 2021
"Anyone involved in conservation work is all too familiar with the sea of discouraging realities among which one tries to stay afloat: ongoing species extinctions, global warming, lack of adequate funding, and political commitment, to name a few. Hope is needed, and this is
exactly what Recovering Australian Threatened Species: A Book of Hope offers to the reader."
Tamara Vekich, AMSA Bulletin #208, June 2021
Paperback | March 2018 | $ 59.95ISBN: 9781486307418 | 360 pages | 245 x 170 mm
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Colour photographs, Illustrations, Maps
ePDF | March 2018
ISBN: 9781486307425
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
ePUB | March 2018
ISBN: 9781486307432
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
- Foreword written by Gregory Andrews, Australia’s first Threatened Species Commissioner.
- Features inspiring Australian conservation success stories spanning a wide range of threatened species and habitats, demonstrating that recovery of threatened species is both achievable and worthwhile.
- Includes perspectives from expert conservation practitioners and draws lessons about what elements are important in achieving conservation successes.
List of contributors
1: Turning threatened species around – celebrating what we have done well
Stephen T. Garnett, Peter Latch, David B. Lindenmayer and John C.Z. Woinarski
2: Recovery of Australian subpopulations of humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae
Peter L. Harrison and John C. Z. Woinarski
3: Eradication of invasive species on Macquarie Island to restore the natural ecosystem
Keith Springer
4: Management of seabird bycatch leads to sustainable fisheries and seabird populations
Barry Baker and Graham Robertson
5: Mary’s Famous Five: a story of connection, commitment and community in the recovery of threatened aquatic species in the Mary River catchment, Queensland
Tanzi Smith and Marilyn Connell
6: Spiny rice-flower – small, unassuming but with many friends
Vanessa Craigie, Debbie Reynolds, Neville Walsh, Steve Mueck, Liz James, Dale Tonkinson and Pauline Rudolph
7: Saving the Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard
Michael C. Bull and Mark N. Hutchinson
8: Malleefowl: answering the big questions that guide all malleefowl management
Sharon Gillam, Tim Burnard and Joe Benshemesh
9: From the brink of extinction: successful recovery of the glossy black-cockatoo on Kangaroo Island
Karleah Berris, Michael Barth, Trish Mooney, Lynn Pedler, David Paton, Martine Kinloch, Peter Copley, Anthony Maguire, Gabriel Crowley and Stephen T. Garnett
10: Science, community and commitment underpin the road to recovery for the red-tailed black-cockatoo
Vicki-Jo Russell, Richard Hill, Tim Burnard, Bronwyn Perryman, Peter Copley, Kerry Gilkes, Martine Maron, David Baker-Gabb, Rachel Pritchard and Paul Koch
11: Collaborative commitment to a shared vision: recovery efforts for noisy scrub-birds and western ground parrots
Allan Burbidge, Sarah Comer and Alan Danks
12: Back from the brink – again: The decline and recovery of the Norfolk Island green parrot (Cyanoramphus cookii)
Luis Ortiz-Catedral, Raymond Nias, James Fitzsimons, Samantha Vine and Margaret Christian
13: Progress in the conservation of populations of the eastern bristlebird from central coastal New South Wales and Jervis Bay Territory
David B. Lindenmayer, Chris MacGregor and Nick Dexter
14: Tasmania’s forty-spotted pardalote: a woodland survivor
Sally Bryant
15: Broadscale feral predator and herbivore control for yellow-footed rock-wallabies Petrogale xanthopus ssp. xanthopus: improved resilience for plants and animals = Bounceback
Robert Brandle, Trish Mooney and Nicki de Preu
16: Recovering the mountain pygmy-possum at Mt Blue Cow and Mt Buller
L.S. Broome, D. Heinze and M. Schroder
17: Wild orchids: saving three endangered orchid species in southern New South Wales
Helen P. Waudby, Matt Cameron, Geoff Robertson, Rhiannon Caynes and Noushka Reiter
18: Population enhancement plantings help save the Tumut grevillea (Grevillea wilkinsonii)
John Briggs and Dave Hunter
19: The spiny daisy: the disappearance and re-emergence of a unique Australian shrub
Doug Bickerton, Erica Rees, Tim Field, Amelia Hurren and Christophe Tourenq
20: The path to recovery for the ‘extinct’ Lord Howe Island phasmid Dryococelus australis
Hank Bower, Nicholas Carlile, Rohan Cleave, C. Haselden, Dean Hiscox and L. O’Neill
21: Against the flow: The remarkable recovery of the trout cod in the Murray-Darling Basin
Jarod P. Lyon, Mark Lintermans and John D. Koehn
22: Underbelly – the tale of the threatened white-bellied frog (Geocrinia alba)
Manda Page, Kay Bradfield and Kim Williams
23: Western Swamp Tortoise Pseudemydura umbrina: slow and steady wins the race
Gerald Kuchling, Andrew Burbidge, Manda Page and Craig Olejnik
24: Twenty-five years of helmeted honeyeater conservation: a government-community partnership poised for recovery success
Dan Harley, Peter Menkhorst, Bruce Quin, Robert Anderson, Sue Tardif, Karina Cartwright, Neil Murray and Merryn Kelly
25: Bringing back Warru: return of the black-footed rock-wallaby to the APY Lands
John Read, Peter Copley, Matt Ward, Ethan Dagg, Liberty Olds, David Taggart and Rebecca West
26: Recovery of the mainland subspecies of eastern barred bandicoot
Richard Hill, Amy Coetsee (nee Winnard) and Duncan Sutherland
27: Arid Recovery; a successful conservation partnership
Katherine E. Moseby, Peter Copley, David C. Paton and John L. Read
28: Effective conservation of critical weight range mammals: reintroduction projects of the Australian Wildlife Conservancy
John Kanowski, David Roshier, Michael Smith and Atticus Fleming
29: The contribution of captive-breeding in zoos to the conservation of Australia's threatened fauna
Dan Harley, Peter R. Mawson, Liberty Olds, Michael McFadden and Carolyn Hogg
30: Mobilising resources for the recovery of Threatened Species
Samantha Vine, Linda Bell and Allan Williams
31: Reporting on success in threatened species conservation: the national policy context
Peter Latch
32: More than hope alone: factors influencing the successful recovery of threatened species in Australia
Stephen T. Garnett, Peter Latch, David B. Lindenmayer, David J. Pannell and John C.Z Woinarski
View the full table of contents.
Stephen Garnett, Charles Darwin University, is an authority on the conservation of threatened birds.
Peter Latch, Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy, has many years of experience within government protected area management, biodiversity planning and threatened species conservation agencies, and currently facilitates national recovery planning efforts for many Australian threatened species.
David Lindenmayer, Australian National University, has undertaken extensive research and monitoring, and helped shaped management, to conserve many components of Australian biodiversity, including for some of Australia’s most threatened animal species.
John Woinarski, Charles Darwin University, has had long involvement in research, management and policy development for Australian biodiversity, with particular interest in the conservation of threatened species.
Contributors: Robert Anderson, G. Barry Baker, David Baker-Gabb, Michael Barth, Linda Bell, Joe Benshemesh, Karleah Berris, Doug Bickerton, Hank Bower, Kay Bradfield, Robert Brandle, John Briggs, Linda Broome, Sally L. Bryant, C. Michael Bull (deceased), Allan Burbidge, Andrew Burbidge, Tim Burnard, Matt Cameron, Nicholas Carlile, Karina Cartwright, Rhiannon Caynes, Margaret Christian, Rohan Cleave, Amy Coetsee (nee Winnard), Sarah Comer, Marilyn Connell, Peter Copley, Vanessa Craigie, Gabriel Crowley, Ethan Dagg, Alan Danks, Nicki de Preu, Nick Dexter, Tim Field, James Fitzsimons, Atticus Fleming, Kerry Gilkes, Sharon Gillam, Dan Harley, Peter L. Harrison, Chris Haselden, Dean Heinze, Richard Hill, Dean Hiscox, Carolyn Hogg, Dave Hunter, Amelia Hurren, Mark N. Hutchinson, Liz James, John Kanowski, Merryn Kelly, Martine Kinloch, Paul Koch, John D. Koehn, Gerald Kuchling, Mark Lintermans, Jarod P. Lyon, Chris MacGregor, Anthony Maguire, Martine Maron, Peter R. Mawson, Michael McFadden, Peter Menkhorst, Trish Mooney, Katherine Moseby, Steve Mueck, Neil Murray, Raymond Nias, Craig Olejnik, Lisa O’Neill, Luis Ortiz-Catedral, Manda Page, David J. Pannell, David Paton, Lynn Pedler, Bronwyn Perryman, Rachel Pritchard, Bruce Quin, John Read, Erica Rees, Noushka Reiter, Debbie Reynolds, Geoff Robertson, Graham Robertson, David Roshier, Pauline Rudolph, Vicki-Jo Russell, Mellessa Schroder, Michael Smith, Tanzi Smith, Keith Springer, Duncan Sutherland, David Taggart, Sue Tardif, Christophe Tourenq, Samantha Vine, Neville Walsh, Matt Ward, Helen P. Waudby, Rebecca West, Allan Williams and Kim Williams.