Double Helix Issue 10

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Identify insects, learn about zombie ants, and find out how being an entomologist is like playing Pokémon.
Do you love insects? We do! In this issue, Dr Bryan Lessard explains how being an entomologist (studying insects) is like playing Pokémon. Then, identify any insect you might find around your home. You can also find out how a fungus can turn an ant into a zombie. + Full description
We have plenty of hands-on science activities for you. Make fizzy dinosaur eggs and build simple circuits from dough.
Packed with fun, exciting and quality articles, Double Helix promotes critical thinking and strengthens literacy skills while sparking an interest in science, technology, engineering and maths.
To subscribe to the magazine visit the Double Helix website.
- Short descriptionDetails
Magazine | September 2016 | $ 8.00ISBN: DH02/10 | 40 pages | 297 x 210 mm
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Colour illustrations, Colour photographs