Australian Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Volume 2

Describes 142 Cerambycinae genera, with comments on natural history and morphology.
Longhorn Beetles — Cerambycidae are one of the most easily recognised groups of beetles, a family that worldwide encompasses over 33 000 species in 5200 genera. With over 1400 species classified in 300 genera, this is the sixth largest among 117 beetle families in Australia. + Full description
These beetles often attack and kill living forest or orchard trees and develop in construction timber (like the European House borer, introduced to WA), causing serious damage. Virtually all Cerambycidae feed on living or dead plant tissues and play a significant role in all terrestrial environments where plants are found. Larvae often utilise damaged or dead trees for their development, and through feeding on rotten wood form an important element of the saproxylic fauna, speeding energy circulation in these habitats. Many species are listed as quarantine pests because of their destructive role to the timber industry.
This second of three volumes on Australian Longhorn Beetles covers the taxonomy of genera of the Cerambycinae, with comments on natural history and morphology. One hundred and forty-two Cerambycinae genera are diagnosed and described, an illustrated key to their identification is provided, and images illustrate representatives of genera and of actual type specimens. A full listing of all Australian species with synonymies and bibliographic citations is also included.
Recipient of a 2017 Whitley Awards Certificate of Commendation for Taxonomic Zoology
- Short descriptionNews
This title is no longer available in print, but can still be purchased as an eBook.
Produced with the assistance of the Australian Biological Resources Study (external link).
"A remarkable work with excellent illustration, which serves as an ideal contribution to the development of the Australian Entomofauna."
R. Gerstmeier, Entomofauna: Zeitschrift Für Entomologie 38(25), January 2017, p. 527
(Translation from German language review)
"These books are the culmination of a monumental effort to document the current taxonomic state of an incredibly diverse fauna sometimes plagued by taxonomic confusion and in urgent need of further study using modern methodologies and principles. To this end, I believe the authors have done an excellent job at establishing a clear starting point from which to carry on tribal and species-level studies."
Arthur V. Evans, The Coleopterists Bulletin, 71(2), 2017
ePDF | June 2016ISBN: 9781486304592
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
ePUB | June 2016
ISBN: 9781486304608
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
- Volume 2 of a three volume set
- Covers the taxonomy of genera of the Cerambycinae, with comments on natural history and morphology.
- One hundred and forty-two Cerambycinae genera are diagnosed and described, an illustrated key to their identification is provided, and images illustrate representatives of genera and of actual type specimens.
- A full listing of all Australian species with synonymies and bibliographic citations.
- Also available: Australian Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Volume 1
Material and methods
Subfamily Cerambycinae
Biology and economic importance
Diagnosis of Subfamily Cerambycinae
Higher classification of Cerambycinae
Classification of Australian Cerambycinae
Review of the Australian genera of Cerambycinae
Cerambycinae figures
Appendix: Type specimens, Australian and extra-Australian
Index of scientific names
Adam Slipinski did his PhD and DSc in Poland where he worked for 20 years at the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw and held a joint appointment as the professor of biology at the University of Zielona Gora teaching entomology and environmental biology. He has been a research scientist at the Australian National Insect Collection for the last 13 years. He is the author of over 160 research publications, editor of a two-volume book on the phylogeny and classification of beetles and an author of a book on Australian ladybird beetles. Adam’s research concentrates on the phylogeny and higher classification of beetles.
Hermes Escalona earned his PhD in Entomology from the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 2012. He is interested in systematics, evolution, and historical biogeography of Coleoptera, with a current focus on Longhorns beetles (Cerambycidae) and small beetle families within Cucujiformia. He is currently affiliated with the Museo del Instituto de Zoología Agrícola-UCV and is a visiting scientist at the Australian National Insect Collection working with Adam Slipinski on the Australian Cerambycidae.