Global Megatrends

Paperback - May 2015 - AU $35.00

eBook - May 2015 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

A creative, entertaining and interesting treatise on the future of the world.

A scarcity of natural resources. The challenge to protect biodiversity and the global climate. Rapid economic growth and urbanisation in Asia and the developing world. Changing demographics and an ageing population. The impact of new digital technologies. Consumer expectations for services, experiences and social interaction. An imperative to innovate. + Full description

Megatrends are gradual yet powerful trajectories of change that have the potential to throw companies, individuals and societies into freefall. In Global Megatrends author Stefan Hajkowicz identifies these seven patterns of global change and tells a story about how the world will change over the next 20 years.

The book captures the thinking of many dedicated scientists and researchers who have devoted their careers to exploring and understanding change. The change heralded by megatrends lies beyond our direct control but not beyond our influence. By getting a picture of how the world is changing and what these megatrends are, we can alter our destiny.

- Short description


The seventh megatrend: The innovation imperative
"The last megatrend is about accelerating technological advancement and the importance of innovation... we explore the rise of regenerative medicine which could keep human beings living for hundreds of years. We explore advances in energy storage systems (batteries) which could revolutionise the way we power our cities, our cars, our planes and the whole economy... Overall, this megatrend points towards a world where human innovation makes (just about) anything possible."

Watch Stefan Hajkowicz interviewed on Sky News Business about Global Megatrends.