Pests, Diseases and Beneficials

eBook - March 2014 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

Helps gardeners identify and deal with common insects and small animals that are found in every Australian garden.

Pests, Diseases and Beneficials helps gardeners to identify and deal with those common insects and small animals (such as bugs, beetles, caterpillars, thrips and mites) that are found in every Australian garden. + Full description

It offers clear descriptions and full colour images to aid in identifying insects or other organisms, and provides useful advice on how to recognise and treat problems. The book also covers feeding habits, life cycles and insect biology.

Based on the 1980 book Friends and Foes of Australian Gardens, this new work has been revised and expanded to include general garden situations as well as Australian native plants, and provides further information on plant diseases, harmless and beneficial fungi, bacteria and viruses, physiological disorders and problems caused by horticultural mismanagement.

- Short description


This title is no longer available in print format, but can still be purchased as an eBook.