Climate Change

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The latest scientific knowledge brought together by CSIRO on a series of climate change topics.

Climate change is the greatest ecological, economic, and social challenge of our time. + Full description

Climate change research over many years shows links between human activities and global and ocean warming, changes in rain and wind patterns, and reductions in Arctic sea ice.

Climate change adaptation involves taking action to adapt to climate change and to plan and prepare for the risk of future change.

Climate change mitigation refers to actions that aim to limit greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, either by reducing emissions or by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide stored in natural sinks.

Drawing on peer-reviewed literature contributed to by thousands of researchers, Climate Change: Science and Solutions for Australia provides the latest scientific knowledge on a series of climate change topics relevant to Australia and the world.

To learn more about the background of this project visit the CSIRO Climate Change book information page or go to the Media Release.

This eBook is available as a complete PDF (13MB), PDF chapters or an EPUB file(10MB). EPUB is a reflowable format suited to mobile devices, and can be used in Adobe Digital Editions.

- Short description


Climate change is the greatest ecological, economic, and social challenge of our time.

Drawing on peer-reviewed literature contributed to by thousands of researchers, Climate Change: Science and Solutions for Australia provides the latest scientific knowledge on a series of climate change topics relevant to Australia and the world.

To learn more about the background of this project visit the CSIRO Climate Change book information page or go to the Media Release.

This eBook is available as a complete PDF (13MB), PDF chapters or an EPUB file(10MB). EPUB is a reflowable format suited to mobile devices, and can be used in Adobe Digital Editions.