Soil Chemical Methods - Australasia

eBook - October 2010 - eRetailers Google Books Kobo

Describes over 200 laboratory and field chemical tests relevant to Australasia and beyond.

Soil Chemical Methods – Australasia describes over 200 laboratory and field chemical tests relevant to Australasia and beyond. The information and methodology provided across 20 chapters is comprehensive, systematic, uniquely coded, up-to-date and designed to promote chemical measurement quality. There is guidance on the choice and application of analytical methods from soil sampling through to the reporting of results. In many cases, optional analytical ‘finishes’ are provided, such as flow-injection analysis, electro-chemistry, multiple flame technologies, and alternatives to chemical testing offered by near-range and mid-range infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. + Full description

The book supersedes and updates the soil chemical testing section of the 1992 Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil and Water Chemical Methods of Rayment and Higginson, while retaining method codes and other strengths of that Handbook. Chapters cover soil sampling, sample preparation and moisture content; electrical conductivity and redox potential; soil pH; chloride; carbon; nitrogen; phosphorus; sulphur; gypsum; micronutrients; extractable iron, aluminium and silicon; saturation extracts; ion-exchange properties; lime requirements; total miscellaneous elements; miscellaneous extractable elements; alkaline earth carbonates and acid sulfate soils. In addition, there are informative Appendices, including information on the accuracy and precision of selected methods.

This book targets practising analysts, laboratory managers, students, academics, researchers, consultants and advisors involved in the analysis, use and management of soils for fertility assessments, land use surveys, environmental studies and for natural resource management.

- Short description


No longer available in a print edition.


ePDF | October 2010
ISBN: 9780643101364
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers

ePUB | October 2010
ISBN: 9780643102187
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers


  • Provides a national benchmark for soil analytical methods
  • Ready to use methods
  • Shows similar methods for completing the analytical measurement
  • Background information on individual methods promote a better understanding of the application and its limitations
  • Key references
  • Sampling and sample preparation is given for each method


1. Introduction
2. Sampling, preparation and moisture content
3. Electrical conductivity, related attributes and redox potential
4. Soil pH
5. Soluble chloride
6. Carbon
7. Nitrogen
8. Carbon/nitrogen ratio
9. Phosphorus
10. Sulfur
11. Gypsum
12. Micronutrients
13. Extractable iron, aluminium and silicon
14. Saturation extracts
15. Ion-exchange properties
16. Lime requirement
17. Total miscellaneous elements
18. Miscellaneous extractable elements
19. Alkaline earth carbonates
20. Acid sulfate soils

View the full table of contents (PDF).


George E Rayment has a PhD (Griffith University) and a Master of Agricultural Science (University of Queensland). He was President, Australian Society of Soil Science (Qld Branch), Chairperson of the Australasian Soil and Plant Analysis Council (ASPAC), and inaugural convenor of ASPAC’s Laboratory Proficiency Committee.

David J Lyons is a Principal Chemist and a laboratory supervisor in the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management. He is a member of ASPAC’s Laboratory Proficiency Committee.