Tenebrionid Beetles of Australia

Descriptions of Tribes - Keys to Genera - Catalogue of Species
By: EG Matthews, P BouchardA beautifully illustrated volume on Australian tenebrionid beetles.
In this beautifully illustrated volume on Australian tenebrionid beetles, higher-level groups are reviewed, keys provided to enable identification to genus and subgenus level, and notes provided on relationships, distribution and biology. A catalogue of all Australian taxa down to subspecies level is presented, including synonymy relevant to the Australian fauna, type localities, and location of types. Eight subfamilies, 43 tribes, 216 valid genera and subgenera, and 1595 valid species are listed. + Full description
The senior author, Dr Eric Matthews, in retirement an Honorary Fellow at the South Australian Museum, is well known among entomologists and ecologists for his studies on beetles, particularly tenebrionids, and his very useful set of keys to beetle groups of South Australia. Dr Patrice Bouchard, research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, in Ottawa, studied the evolution and relationships of Australian rainforest Tenebrionidae during his Ph.D. He is also interested in the nomenclature and biogeography of darkling beetles. Together, Matthews and Bouchard bring us a thorough summary of knowledge of Australian Tenebrionidae.
Winner of a Whitley Certificate of Commendation for 2009.
- Short descriptionDetails
Hardback | January 2008 | $115.00ISBN: 9780642568571 | 410 pages | 250 x 176 mm
Publisher: Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS)
Colour plates