Reptiles of Victoria

A Guide to Identification and Ecology
By: Peter Robertson, A. John CoventryIllustrated descriptions of the 123 native, introduced and vagrant reptile species in the state.
Victoria's reptiles are not often encountered by urban dwellers, with many species now threatened. You may have glimpsed a skink darting into the undergrowth, a snake slithering along a walking path or a blue-tongued lizard sunning itself near your garden shed. Yet the turtles, skinks, geckos, goannas, snakes and other reptiles that call Victoria home are fascinating and important members of urban and rural ecosystems. + Full description
Reptiles of Victoria is the first regional guide to all reptiles known to occur in Victoria. It contains keys and illustrated descriptions to allow identification of the 123 native, introduced and vagrant reptile species and describes their biology, ecology, distributions and the habitats in which they live. It also indicates the level of risk that the venomous snakes pose to humans and includes a brief section on first aid for snake bites. Natural history enthusiasts and professional and amateur herpetologists will find this an essential guide.
Recipient, 2019 Whitley Awards Certificate of Commendation: Natural History
- Short descriptionReviews
"This book is destined to become a mainstay for anyone interested in field herping in the garden state. It is comprehensive enough to serve as a sole identification and field guide, and yet remains quite compact since it is focussed wholly on the reptiles of Victoria."
John McGrath, iHerp Australia Magazine 2019
"What strikes the reader on first perusal of the book is the sheer diversity of reptiles of Victoria, and the effort it must have taken to collect them into a single volume. The fact that each species is accompanied often by several images is astounding, and Peter’s photography presents a beautiful identification guide for the reptiles."
Caleb McElrea, Remember The Wild, 19 June 2019
"The book is an excellent, important addition to a library for anyone interested in Victorian fauna, let alone reptiles."
Scott Eipper, The Victorian Naturalist 136(6), December 2019
"[...] one of the best reptile field guides in recent memory. It has everything a person needs to identify that little brown skink in their garden, or the big snake they saw on their last bushwalk, and will serve as a useful reference to scientist and layperson alike. It is also engagingly well written."
James Van Dyke, Ecological Management & Restoration Vol 20 (3), September 2019
Paperback | March 2019 | $ 49.99ISBN: 9780643093935 | 332 pages | 245 x 170 mm
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Colour photographs, Illustrations, Maps
ePDF | March 2019
ISBN: 9781486309993
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
- Discover the extraordinary diversity of Victoria's reptiles, including turtles, lizards and snakes
- Includes detailed descriptions and keys for 123 species to assist with identification
- Extensively illustrated with photographs of live reptiles and diagrams of diagnostic features
- The distribution and habitat of each species is mapped and described, with important aspects of their ecology and conservation status also discussed.
IntroductionBiology of reptiles
Biogeography, Victorian habitats and distribution
The reptile fauna of Victoria
Testudines - Turtles and Tortoises
Sea turtles
Freshwater turtles
Squamata – Lizards and Snakes
Legless Lizards
Blind snakes
Venomous snakes
Other Species Possibly Occurring in Victoria
First Aid for Snake Bite
Victorian Wildlife Regulations
Selected Bibliography
Index of common names and general terms
Index of scientific names and terms
Peter Robertson worked in the public service for 15 years, undertaking regional fauna surveys and coordinating the research and management of several threatened reptiles and amphibians. He then founded an ecological consultancy where he continues to investigate the conservation management of Victoria’s fauna. With a keen interest in photography, Peter has produced the majority of the photographs in this book.
John Coventry was Senior Curator of Herpetology at the National Museum of Victoria (now Museums Victoria), where he worked for nearly 50 years, providing inspiration and support to a generation of herpetologists. Two species of skinks are named after John, in recognition of his major contributions to the field. John retired from the museum in 2002, afforded the title of ‘Curator Emeritus’ until his death in 2007.
Peter and John met in 1976, quickly forming an enduring friendship based on their shared passion for herpetology. Together, they spent many thousands of hours in the field, carefully studying and documenting the reptile fauna of Victoria.