Managing and Conserving Grassy Woodlands

Edited by: S S McIntyre, JG JG McIvor, KM KM Heard
Describes principles that will enable landholders to maintain or increase productivity without compromising ecological sustainability.
In eastern Australia, grassy eucalypt woodlands have been under severe pressure from agricultural development, with problems of land degradation and species decline being most severe in the cropping lands of south-eastern Australia. + Full description
Managing and Conserving Grassy Woodlands describes a set of principles that will enable landholders to maintain or increase productivity without compromising ecological sustainability, and at the same time maintaining a substantial proportion of the native flora and fauna. The book provides the technical foundations underpinning the principles and explains the importance of planning at a landscape scale.
Each major principle is addressed in a separate chapter which explains the scientific understanding behind the principle and which discusses some of the issues relating to its practical application. Additional chapters outline the basic ecological concepts underpinning the principles and the responses of landholders who have had the opportunity to discuss and reflect on the principles. For those interested in translating the principles into a property plan, a final chapter explores the steps that can be taken.
Managing and Conserving Grassy Woodlands is intended for those at the interface of disciplinary research and on-ground application, whether they are working in research, regional planning, extension, landcare or land management.
- Short descriptionNews
This title is no longer available in print.
"The book should be a useful information source to students, educators, extension officers, catchment managers and researchers."
Peter Spooner, Charles Sturt University, Australia (Austral Ecology 28, 2003)
ePDF | August 2004ISBN: 9780643069947
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
ePUB | August 2004
ISBN: 9780643099227
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
Understanding Grassy Woodland EcosystemsPrinciples for Property Planning
Wildlife and Core Conservation Areas
Watercourses and Riparian Areas
Barriers and Opportunities for Adoption
The Way Forward – From Principles to Practice