Plant Analysis: An Interpretation Manual
Second Edition Edited by: D Reuter, JB Robinson
eBook - January 1997 - eRetailers

An easily accessible compilation of data summarising the range of nutrient concentration limits for crops, pastures, vegetables, fruit trees, vines, ornamentals and forest species.
Plant Analysis: An Interpretation Manual 2nd Edition is an easily accessible compilation of data summarising the range of nutrient concentration limits for crops, pastures, vegetables, fruit trees, vines, ornamentals and forest species. This information is valuable in assessing the effectiveness of fertiliser programs and for monitoring longer term changes in crop nutritional status. + Full description
New to this edition:
- Volume and scope of information accessed from the literature has expanded several-fold. Interpretation criteria for 294 species have been compiled in the tables from more than 1872 published papers.
- New chapter on nutrient criteria for forest species.
- Includes guidelines for collecting, handling and analysing plant material.
An entire chapter is devoted to the identification of nutrient deficiency and toxicity symptoms.
- Short descriptionNews
No longer available in a print edition.
"No doubt, the book is a Manual of immeasurable value for everybody engaged in plant mineral nutrition both from the management and research point of view. It is also extremely suitable for everybody who looks for a reference on nutrient content in the appropriate plant species, on the given plant stage, or even at certain locations."
L. Natr, Praha (Photosynthetica Vol. 36, No. 4, 1999)
Reviews of the First Edition:
"Highly commended for a volume that can be unreservedly recommended for all laboratories and workers concerned with the interpretation of plant analysis."
VM Shorrocks, Micronutrient News
". . . a valuable resource for those using plant analysis to diagnose the nutrient element status of plants"
J Benton Jones, Communication in soil Science & Plant Analysis
". . . one of the most comprehensive and complete books available on plant analysis at the present time. This book should be on the shelf of not only every plant nutritionist but also of the agronomists / horticulturalists working with governments, universities or private industry throughout the world."
M Prasad, New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research
ePDF | January 1997ISBN: 9780643101265
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers
Contributors Sponsors Foreword Preface to the Second Edition Chapter 1 – Interpretation of Plant Analysis: Concepts and Principles
F.W. Smith and J.F. Loneragan Chapter 2 – Nutrient Deficiency and Toxicity Symptoms
N.I. Grundon, A.D. Robson, M.J. Lambert and KA. Snowball Chapter 3 – Guidelines for Collecting, Handling and Analysing Plant Material
D.J. Reuter, J.B. Robinson, K.I. Peverill, G.H. Price and M.J. Lambert Chapter 4 – Definition of Terms and Abbreviations Used in the Manual Chapter 5 – Temperate and Tropical Crops
D.J. Reuter, D.G. Edwards and N.S. Wilhelm Chapter 6 – Pasture Species
A. Pinkerton, F.W. Smith and D.C. Lewis Chapter 7 – Fruits, Vines and Nuts
J.B. Robinson, M. Treeby and R.A. Stephenson Chapter 8 – Vegetable Crops
D.O. Huett, N.A. Maier, L.A. Sparrow and T.J. Piggott Chapter 9 – Ornamentals
G.H. Price, G.C. Cresswell and K.A. Handreck Chapter 10 – Forest Plantations
R. Boardman, M.J. Lambert, M. Webb and R.N. Cromer Species in Tables: Scientific names Common names