Fruit Fly Fighters

Eradication of the Papaya Fruit Fly
Primary Industries Report Series By: Bryan Cantrell, Blair Chadwick, Anna CahillA practical account of the campaign to eradicate the papaya fruit fly from north Queensland.
The campaign to eradicate the papaya fruit fly from north Queensland has been widely acknowledged by international scientists as a significant technical achievement that equals any similar control program world-wide. + Full description
Fruit Fly Fighters is a highly readable and practical account of the whole campaign from 1995 when the papaya fruit fly was first discovered until 1999 when eradication was formally declared.
Key aspects covered include: The emergency response; Campaign management; The growers' perspective; Monitoring, eradication, data management; quarantine, traffic control points; market access for fruit from infected areas; public relations; and research and development.
- Short descriptionNews
No longer available in a print edition.
ForwardA day etched in memory
Sounding the alarm
Emergency response
Campaign management
Growers’ perspective
Data management
Traffic control points
Market access
Public relations
Research and development
The way ahead
Campaign contributors