No longer available in a print edition.
“Forest Conservation Genetics is a well-organized, timely, and well-written treatise destined to become a classic study guide for conservation of forest resources. The book does an excellent job of discussing all aspects of the complex topic of preservation of forest genetic resources on a global basis. Highly recommended as an invaluable addition to the literature on modern methods in forest genetics and gene conservation.”
D. F. Karnosky, Michigan Technological University (CHOICE v.38 no.3 February 2001)
“The main strength of this book is that it goes beyond just the “science” of genetics and includes the human dimensions. It also shows how genetic research can be incorporated into the overall planning of conservation programs.”
Michael Stine, Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station, Louisiana State University (Forest Science v.47 no.2 2001)
“It is a useful reading both for scientists and practitioners dealing with gene conservation in forest trees anywhere in the world.”
Diana Krajmerova (Forest Genetics 7(4) 2000)
“A truly multidisciplinary field, forest conservation genetics includes aspects of ecology, population genetics, economics and social policy. Any book addressing the subject is therefore expected to be all encompassing. … Young, Boshier and Boyle together with a number of contributors from several fields have met all these challenges.”
Esther Kamau, Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, UK (Biological Conservation 101, 2001)
ePDF | July 2000
ISBN: 9780643101029
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from
Includes a CD-ROM containing POPGENE, a population genetics analysis software package.
- Introduction
- Section 1: Basic Genetic Principles
- Basic genetics
- Population genetics
- Genetic tools: the use of biochemical and molecular markers
Section II: Genetic Processes
- Mating systems
- Gene flow in forest trees
- Small population processes
- Selection
Section III: Threats to in situ Genetic Conservation
- Effects of logging and other forms of harvesting on genetic diversity in humid tropical forests
- Forest Fragmentation
- Effects of environmental population on the genetics of forest trees
- Disease threats and the conservation genetics of forest trees
- Hybridisation and forest conservation
Section IV: Domestication and ex situ Genetic Conservation
- Sampling the gene pools of forest trees for ex situ conservation
- Effect of forest tree domestication on gene pools
- Magnitude and implications of gene flow in gene conservation reserves
Section V: Monitoring, Socioeconomics and Policy
- Genetic markers as a tool for bioindication in forest ecosystems
- Criteria and indicators for the conservation of genetic diversity
- Economics and conserving forest genetic diversity
- Rethinking stakeholder involvement in biodiversity conservation projects
- Politics, policies and the conservation of forest genetic diversity
- Forest conservation genetics: limitations and future directions
Species Index