Windows on Meteorology

Australian Perspective
Edited by: EK WebbAnswers a host of questions about Australia's weather and climate.
Windows on Meteorology: Australian Perspective answers a host of questions about Australia's weather and climate, and explains the underlying causes of floods, droughts and cyclones. Vivid accounts of dust storms and the mysteries of the 'morning glory' cloud lines are revealed.
The book highlights the perception in Aboriginal culture of the connection between seasons and natural cycles, through aspects of Aboriginal mythology and language, and contains a unique Aboriginal seasonal calendar. The influence of climate on Australia's wildlife is illustrated with fascinating accounts of the evolution of burrowing frogs, shrimps and desert kangaroos. + Full description
A history of Australian meteorology from early European settlement onwards, covers subjects such as a nineteenth century view of the links between climate and health, the development of instruments, cloud physics research and the Southern Oscillation connection.
The final chapters bring the reader up to date with the most recent technical developments in research and applications such as satellite remote sensing, radar and fast response instruments.
- Short descriptionNews
No longer available in a print edition.
". . . a useful reference for students and would be a valuable addition to the library of any weather enthusiast, professional or amateur."
Bob Crowder, Meteorologist (Nature Australia, Winter 1998)
"I enjoyed all of the book, but I liked the historic pieces the most. . . All the articles are well written and mostly understandable to a lay person with interest in things scientific. . .It is an interesting book that will broaden every reader's knowledge in one way or another."
George Scott, CSIRO Atmospheric Research (Australian Meteorological Magazine 47:2, June 1998)
ePDF | January 1997ISBN: 9780643101500
Publisher: CSIRO Publishing
Available from eRetailers