Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 36 Number 1 1983
BI9830021Amino acid sequences containing cysteine or cysteine residues in ovalbumin from eggs of the turkey Melagris gallopavo.
DM Webster and EOP Thompson
pp. 21-34
BI9830041Lipoprotein Lipase of Sheep and Rat Adipose Tissues
RK Tume, RF Thornton and G WJohnson
pp. 41-48
BI9830049Fertility of Fresh and Frozen -Thawed Semen of the Angora Goat
AJ Ritar and S Salamon
pp. 49-60
BI9830061Progesterone-regulated Changes in Oestradiol-stimulated Guinea Pig Uterus: Steroid Hormone Receptor Levels and RNA and Protein Metabolism
GM Stone, C McCaffery, R Tassell and BG Miller
pp. 61-76
BI9830077Intrinsic Noise and the Design of the Genetic Machinery
DC Reanney, DG MacPhee and J Pressing
pp. 77-90
BI9830091Epidemiology of Ephemeral Fever of Cattle in Australia 1975?1981
MF Uren, T D St George and RS Stranger
pp. 91-100