Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 27 Number 6 1974
BK May and A RGlenn
pp. 585-590
BI9740591Studies on Monotreme Proteins. V. Amino Acid Sequence of the a-Chain of Haemoglobin From the Platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus
RG Whittaker and EOP Thompson
pp. 591-606
BI9740607Haemoglobins of the Shark, Heterodontus portusjacksoni
AR Nash and EOP Thompson
pp. 607-616
BI9740617The Macroheterogeneity of Type I Tyrosine-rich Proteins of Merino Wool
J M Gillespie and MJ Frenkel
pp. 617-628
BI9740633Some Biochemical Features of White Muscle Disease in Lambs, and the Influence of Selenium
KO Godwin, RE Kuchel and Christine N Fuss
pp. 633-644
BI9740645The Liver as the Site of Carnitine Biosynthesis in Sheep with Alloxan-induced Diabetes
AM Snoswell and GH Mclntosh
pp. 645-650
BI9740659Selected Factors that Affect the Measurement of Plasma Progesterone Concentrations in Pregnant Ewes
AR Gleeson and GD Thorburn
pp. 659-670
BI9740671Ecological Genetics of the Wild Rabbit in Australia I. Geographical Distribution and Biochemical Characterization of Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase Variants
Marjorie Coggan, J Baldwin and BJ Richardson
pp. 671-676
BI9740677Genetic Variation and Immunochemical Properties of L-Malate : NAD+ Oxidoreductase Isozymes in the Bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus.
RS Holmes, JL VandeBerg and G Gordon
pp. 677-682