Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 17 Number 3 1964
DF Gaf, TC Chamllers and Katalin Maekus
pp. 581-586
BI9640591Photosynthesis in Relation to Leaf Orientation and Light Interoeption
PE Kriedeman, TF Neales and DH Ashton
pp. 591-600
BI9640601The Nature and Genetic Control of a Red Anthocyanin Pigment in the Root Meristems of Phalaris
JR Mowllliam JR Mowllliam
pp. 601-608
BI9640609The Regulation of Invertase Synthesis in Sugar-Cane: Effects of Sugars, Sugar Derivatives, and Polyhydric Alcohols
KT Glasztou and JCW Aldron
pp. 609-618
BI9640631Resistance Mechanisms of Oxalis Pes-Oaprae (Soursob) to 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
NG Marinos , Fay H Chapman and LH May
pp. 631-642
BI9640686Mechanisms of Variation in thanatephorus Auaumeris and t. Pratioolus
NT Flentje and Helena M Stretton
pp. 686-704
BI9640758An Investigation of Certain Components of the Venom of the Female Sydney Funnel Web Spider, Atrax Robustus Cambr.
Catherjne M Gilbo and NW Coles
pp. 758-763
BI9640771Crimp in Wool: Growth Characteristics of Well-Crimped and Abnormally Crimped Fibres
RE Chapman and BF Short
pp. 771-791
BI9640798Short Oommunications Kinins in Germinating Lettuoe Seed
E Barzilai and AM Mayer
pp. 798-800
BI9640801Periodicity of Basidiospore Release in Puooinia Malvaoearum
MV Carter and RJ Banyer
pp. 801-802