Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 1 Number 1 1948
BI9480017Studies in the metabolism of Plant Cells VII. The Quantitative Relation Between Salt Accumulation and Salt Respiration
RN Robertson and Marjorie J Wilkins
pp. 17-37
BI9480038Studies on The Nitrogen Metabolism of Plants VII. Toxicity of Some Oximes and Oximino·Acids to Azotobacter and Their Utilization
JG Wood, MR Hone, ME Mattner and CP Symons
pp. 38-49
BI9480050The Copper-Catalysed Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid in Fruitand Vegetable Suspensions
FE Huelin and I Myee Stephens
pp. 50-57
BI9480058The Enzyme-Catalysed Oxidation of Ascorbic Acid in Fruit and Vegetable Suspensions
FE Huelin and I Myee Stephens
pp. 58-64
BI9480139The Estimation of Cytochrome C Oxidase in Animal Tissues
TAF Quinlan-Watson and DW Dewey
pp. 139-162