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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Articles citing this paper

Sensitivity to Oxygen of Nitrogenase Activity in Rhizobium Strain ANU289 of the Non-legume Parasponia (Ulmaceae)

S S Mohapatra and PM GresshoffA
37(2) pp.31 - 36

3 articles found in Crossref database.

Rapid derepression of in vitro nitrogenase activity in a Rhizobium strain which nodulates legumes and the nonlegume Parasponia
Mahanty H. K., Gresshoff P. M.
Plant Cell Reports. 1984 3(5). p.176
Nitrogenase activity and inactivation in isolated bacteroids from the legume siratro and the non-legume Parasponia rigida
Sandeman Ruth A., Gresshoff Peter M.
Plant Science Letters. 1985 37(3). p.199
A Genetic Approach to Plant Biochemistry (1986)
Gresshoff Peter M., Delves Angela C.
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