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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Time Required for Spermatozoa to Remain in the Vagina of the Ewe to Ensure Conception

AJ Tilbrook and DT Pearce

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 39(3) 305 - 310
Published: 1986


Oestrous ewes (N = 202) were inseminated with O· I ml of semen containing 500 X 106 motile spermatozoa and the spermatozoa were flushed from their vaginae either immediately or 0'25, 0'5, I, 2, 4 and 8 h after insemination. Pregnancy was determined by returns to service and laparoscopy. Some ewes became pregnant (l0' 71 %) after spermatozoa had been flushed from the vagina only seconds after insemination and about 40% of ewes became pregnant after spermatozoa had been in the vagina for 15 min. Maximum conception (55%) was achieved when spermatozoa had been in the vagina for at least 2 h. It was concluded that the losses of spermatozoa that occur from the vagina will not influence the chance of a ewe conceiving because sufficient spermatozoa to ensure a normal conception move up the reproductive tract before large losses from the vagina take effect.

© CSIRO 1986

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