Muzzle Secretion Electrolytes as a Possible Indicator of Sodium Status in Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Calves: Effects of Sodium Depletion and Aldosterone Administration
S Kumar and SP Singh
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
34(6) 561 - 568
Published: 1981
In two separate experiments, the effects of sodium depletion and aldosterone administration on sodium and potassium concentrations in muzzle secretion, saliva and urine were studied in buffalo calves. Sodium deficiency in the animals was experimentally produced by unilateral parotid saliva deprivation for 18 days. During sodium depletion, the sodium levels in saliva and muzzle secretion gradually fell while the potassium level gradually rose. The concentrations of both of these cations in urine gradually fell during the course of sodium depletion.
© CSIRO 1981