Control of Parturition in the Sow Using Progesterone and Prostaglandin
Anoma Gooneratne, PE Hartmann, I McCauley and CE Martin
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
32(6) 587 - 596
Published: 1979
The effect of progesterone and prostaglandin administration on the timing of farrowing was studied in three groups of 25 sows each .. Progesterone treatment (100 mg/day) on days 112, 113 and 114 of gestation (group I) significantly prolonged the gestation length to 116 A±0·4 (mean±s.e.) days compared to the control sows (group III; 115·5 ±O· 2; P < 0 ·05). Administration of prostaglandin (200 I1g Cloprostanol intramuscularly) on day 115 of gestation following progesterone treatment (group II) resulted in a gestation length of 116 ·0 ±0·1 days, with the sows farrowing 25 ·4± 1 ·0 h after the prostaglandin injection. 80 % of the sows farrowed between 0800 and 1700 h of day 116 of gestation.
© CSIRO 1979