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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Plasma Progesterone, FSH and LH Levels Associated with Implantation in the Mouse

AA Gidley-Baird

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 30(4) 289 - 296
Published: 1977


Measurement of plasma progesterone, LH and FSH were made every 6 h during the first 6 days of pregnancy in the mouse. Plasma progesterone and LH were low on day 1, minimum values being recorded at 24 h post coitus. Concentrations of both these hormones started rising during the second half of day 2 with the rise continuing during day 3 to a progesterone peak of 25 ng/ml early on day 4 and an LH peak of 37 ng/mllate on day 4. Levels of progesterone fell during day 4 and LH during day 5 to approximately half their respective peak values and then remained relatively constant over the remainder of the measurement period. Levels of FSH, which were high early on day 1 (180 ng/ml), fell sharply by midday with a small rise late in the day followed by a decline during day 2 to a minimum level of 20 ng/ml at 48 h post coitus. Early on day 3 FSH values rose to 120 ng/ml then fell to 50-60 ng/ml during the next 6 h and remained relatively stable at this level during days 4 and 5. It is suggested that LH is concerned with progesterone production and maintenance of the corpus luteum whilst FSH is concerned with the production of oestrogen required for implantation in this species.

© CSIRO 1977

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