Survival of Gaeumannomyces Graminis Var. Tritici in the Field
GC Mac Nish and RL Dodman
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
26(6) 1309 - 1318
Published: 1973
Bioassays of wheat stubble were used to study the survival of G. graminis var. tritici in the field. There were marked differences in survival between the two localities investigated. At Ceduna the number of macro-sites with stubble (crowns) containing viable G. graminis var. tritici dropped from 90 % in early February to 82 % in midNovember, while at Turretfield the drop was from 96 % in late January to 30 % in late August. In another experiment at Ceduna, the survival of G. graminis var. tritici in field soil was studied using a bioassay of soil cores. There was only a small drop in the incidence of G. graminis var. tritid in cores removed at regular intervals from the takeall patch over a period of nearly one year.
© CSIRO 1973