Estimation of the Total Entry Rate and Resynthesis of Glucose in Sheep Using Glucoses Uniformly Labelled With 14C and Variously Labelled With 3H
GJ Judson and RA Leng
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
25(6) 1313 - 1332
Published: 1972
Comparisons have been made of [6_3H]-, [3-3H]-, and [2-3H]glucose with [U-14C]glucose for measuring parameters of glucose metabolism in sheep given their daily ration in 24 equal amounts at hourly intervals. The specific radioactivity (R) of plasma glucose was measured at frequent intervals from 0 to 10 hr and 0 to 32 hr after the start of a constant infusion. or single injection, of mixtures of these isotopes respectively.
© CSIRO 1972