The Output of Spermatozoa in Rams I. Relationship with Testicular Output of Spermatozoa and the Effect of Ejaculations
BF Lino and AWH Braden
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
25(2) 351 - 358
Published: 1972
The mean daily output of spermatozoa was estimated for each of eight Merino rams from the numbers of spermatozoa eliminated from the urogenital tract both in the urine and in spontaneous discharges over 20 days (DSOU) and by doubling the number of spermatozoa collected daily from one testis by a rete testis catheter (DSOT). The two estimates (DSOU and DSOT) were highly correlated (r = 0·999), but the DSOU was usually a little lower than the DSOT. The mean difference was 3·4%.
© CSIRO 1972