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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Haploid Arabidopsis Thaliana Callus and Plants From Anther Culture

PM Gresshoff and CH Doy

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 25(2) 259 - 264
Published: 1972


Haploid callus and plants were cultured from the anthers of diploid A. thaliana. This depends on removing anthers during late prophase of meiosis, selecting a genotype favouring callus formation from dividing sporocytes on a high auxin-low kinetin concentration, fully defined medium, then inducing differentiation by transfer to a low auxin-high kinetin concentration, fully defined medium, with a light-dark cycle. Attempts to produce embryoids directly from' anthers were unsuccessful. The view that our approach may have Ii. more general application is discussed in relation to the work of others and our culture of haploid callus and plantlets from tomato (LycoperBicon eBculentum) and haploid callus from barley (Hordeum vulgare).

© CSIRO 1972

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