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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Some Properties of a Virus From Galinsoga Parviflora

GM Behncken

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 23(2) 497 - 502
Published: 1970


During an investigation of stipple streak disease of French beans near Nambour in south-eastern Queensland (Behncken 1968), the roots of a number of weed species were indexed for tobacco necrosis virus (TNV). A virus was regularly isolated from the roots of Galinsoga parvijlora Cav., an annual commonly called potato weed. It was distinguished from TNV on the basis of differences in host reactions, absence of any serological reaction with TNV antisera, and its failure to be transmitted to the roots of seedlings of mung bean (Phaseolu8 aureU8 Roxb.) by zoospores of the fungus Olpidium bra88icae (Wor.) Dang.

© CSIRO 1970

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