Purificatinon and Properties of Broad Bean Wilt Virus
RH Taylor, RP Smith, C Reinganum and AJ Gibbs
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
21(5) 929 - 936
Published: 1968
Purified preparations of broad bean wilt virus contained many isometric particles about 25 m!, in diameter. The particles were of three sorts with sedimenta· tion coefficients (S20,w) of 63, 100, and 126, containing 0, 22, and 33% nucleic acid respectively. The particles with S20,w = 126 were infective. The ribonucleic acid of the virus had a molar base content of G 21· 8 : A 30·0 : C 17·6 : U 30·6.https://doi.org/10.1071/BI9680929
© CSIRO 1968