Haematological Changes Induced in Laboratory Rats by Larval Ampligaegum Robertsi Sprent & Mines
C Dobson
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
21(2) 341 - 350
Published: 1968
The pathologioal effeots of A. robertsi in the rat were studied for a period of 13 weeks. The aoute stage of the disease was oharaoterized by an enlarged and haemorrhagio liver. The chronio phase was assooiated with enlargement of the liver, liver oirrhosis, anaemia, and serum disturbanoes. The progressive development of anaemia was indioative of haemorrhage and the oell pioture indioated a maorooytio-normoohromic anaemia. This was aooounted for by regenerative ohanges in the blood sinoe large numbers of retioulooytes were found. Some abnormally high mean oell haemoglobin oonoentration values.indioated haemolysis whioh could be assooiated with either the toxio and digestive effeots of the parasite or immune haemolysis.https://doi.org/10.1071/BI9680341
© CSIRO 1968