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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Variation of Scutellar Bristles in Drosophila XIII. Effects of Scute Alleles

DH Miller and AS Fraser

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 21(1) 61 - 74
Published: 1968


The BCI and 8C' alleles have been substituted for 8C+ in a number of lines selected for extra (supernumerary) scutellar bristles. The gene extra-vert, which causes a marked increase in the number of scutellar bristles, is either present or absent in these lines. The substItution of 8C for 8C+ results in the suppression of extra-vert and its modifiers (termed the j3-system), but does not markedly affect the modifiers of 8C+ (termed the a-system).

© CSIRO 1968

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