Influence of Nutrients on Lysis of Fungal Hyphae in Soil
M Bumbieris and AB Lloyd
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
20(6) 1169 - 1172
Published: 1967
Live fungal hyphae lyse faster in soil previously supplemented with glucose, peptone, or blood and bone meal than in non.supplemented soil. Whether or not the supplement increases the number of Actinomycetes or bacteria, either effect will result in more rapid lysis of hyphae. When peptone is added to soil which already contains fungal hyphae, Actinomy-cetes increase rapidly and the hyphae lyse. But with glucose as a supplement the fungus grows and coexists with the small increase in other microorganisms. After depletion of this supplement the starved hyphae are induced to lyse by the presence of other soil microorganisms.
© CSIRO 1967