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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

The Nitrogen Nutrition of the Peach Tree III. Metabolism and Translocation of L-[Guanido-14c]Arginine Hydroohloride and L-[U-14c]Asparagine in Young Dormant Trees

LH May and BK Taylor

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 20(2) 413 - 418
Published: 1967


Solutions of L-[guanido-140]arginine hydrochloride and L-[U-140]asparagine were applied to dormant two-year-old peach trees using a cut-shoot technique. Radioactivity was recovered in soluble sugar plus acid and protein amino acid fractions indicating that both compounds were metabolized by the trees. The results also suggest that there was a turnover of arginine in the dormant tissues. Most of the applied 140 from both compounds remained in the treated shoot or neighbouring tissues, but small amounts were translocated both upwards and downwards from the point of application.

© CSIRO 1967

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