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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Effect of Detaching Culms on Seed Development in Phalaris

JR Mcwilliam and IF Wardlaw

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 18(2) 283 - 294
Published: 1965


The development of seed in Phalari8 tubero8a has been followed both in intact culms and in culms detached from the plant and placed in water. This development occupied a period of approximately 30 days. During this time labelling experiments with 14C02 indicated that only those assimilates produced from photosynthesis in the inflorescence and in the upper part of the stem were utilized in the developing seed. These experiments also indicated that the culm can be virtually autonomous with respect to the supply of assimilate and nutrients to the developing seed.

© CSIRO 1965

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