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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Pathology of Infestation of the Rat With Nippostrongylus Muris (Yokogawa) Vi. Absorption In Vivo From the Distal Ileum

LEA Symons

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 14(1) 165 - 172
Published: 1961


The net fluxes of water, sodium, and chloride and the absorption of glucose were measured in vivo in the distal ileum of rats infested in the jejunum by the nematode Nippo8trongylu8 muri8. The rate of net fluxes of water and chloride was not affected, but the rate of absorption of glucose and probably sodium was increased in infested rats. The dry weight of the distaJ ileum per unit length was unchanged by the infestation.

© CSIRO 1961

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