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Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Australian Journal of Biological Sciences Society
Biological Sciences

Increased Thioglycollate Extraction of Wool Proteins Following Supercontraction

JM Gillespie and FG Lennox

Australian Journal of Biological Sciences 10(1) 95 - 104
Published: 1957


Superc.ontracti.on .of W.o.ol .or .of W.o.ol cells by heating in 9M LiCl .or 8M phen.ol facilitates the subsequent extracti.on .of the pr.oteins with alkaline 0'1M thi.oglyc.ollate s.oluti.ons during 20 min at 50°C. The am.ount .of pr.otein extracted with 0'1M thi.oglyc.ollate initially at pH 10'0, f.or example, appr.oximates t.o that rem.oved untreated W.o.oI with 0·1M thi.oglyc.ollate initially at pH 10·5. The electr.oph. oresis patterns .of the pr.oteins extracted superc.ontracted W.o.ol als.o resemble the patterns .of extracts .of n.ormal W.o.ol .obtained at higher pH values. This, t.ogether with evidence f.or the absen6e .of amide b.ond splitting, suggests that fracti.onal extracti.on with alkaline thi.oglyc.ollate yields pr.oteins pre-existing in the W.o.ol and nc:>t f.ormed during extracti.on. The electr.oph.oresis patterns W.ould theref. ore appear t.o reflect the pr.otein c.omp.ositi.on .of reduced W.o.ol.

© CSIRO 1957

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