The Rate of Digestion of, Human Blood by Certain Species of Mosquitoes
AK O’gower
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
9(1) 125 - 129
Published: 1956
The rate of ciigesl;iol1 of human blood was invcsLigated at 4-hourly intorval" by tho I'reeipitin and benzidine tests for tho mosquito species .Aedes aegypti, A. concolor, A. noto8oriptu8, A. soutellaris, and Culea., fllliymis. In an enviroWllent ill which temperature and humidity w('["o oonstant and in whioh thoro were equal periods of light and darkness, the mie of digestion ranged from :11 hI' for 8CUtellm'is to ·Hl hI' for A. COil color.
© CSIRO 1956