Regeneration and the Moulting Cycle in Blattella Germanica L. II. Simultaneous Regeneration of Both Metathoracic Legs
A Stock and AF O'farrell
Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
7(3) 302 - 307
Published: 1954
At 29°C, 70 per cent. relative humidity, simultaneous removal of both metathoracic legs at the proximal autotomy plane in first instar Blattella germanica results in the appearance at the first moult of either a symmetrical pair of differentiated regenerates or a symmetrical pair of undifferentiated papillae, but not of intermediate stages in differentiation. Papillae at the first moult are followed by differentiated regenerates at the second. Simultaneously produced regenerates are not distinguishable from those arising from unilateral operations.
© CSIRO 1954