Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia
Volume 15 Number 1 1998
MRW Masheder, QA Parker and S Philipps
pp. 5-8
AS98009Marseille Observatory Halpha Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Magellanic Clouds
D Russeil, YM Georgelin, M Marcelin, YP Georgelin, A Laval and P Amram
pp. 9-13
AS98014The Wisconsin Halpha Mapper (WHAM): A Brief Review of Performance Characteristics and Early Scientific Results
RJ Reynolds, SL Tufte, JW Percival, K jaehnig and LM Haffner
pp. 14-18
AS98024 The MSSSO Wide Field CCD Halpha Imaging Survey
Michelle Buxton, Bob Watson and Michael Bessell
pp. 24-27
AS98028Background and First Results from the New AAO/UKST Halpha Survey
Steven Philipps and Quentin A Parker
pp. 28-32
AS98033Technical Aspects of the New AAO/UKST Halpha Interference Filter
Joss Bland-Hawthorn and Quentin A Parker
pp. 33-37
AS98042Digitisation, Archiving and Dissemination of the 275 Gbytes of the AAO/UKST Halpha Survey Data
Harvey T MacGillivray
pp. 42-43
AS98044Taurus Tunable Filter: A Flexible Approach to Narrowband Imaging
D Heath Jones and Joss Bland-Hawthorn
pp. 44-49
AS98050Bright Prospects: Comparing the Halpha Survey with Large-scale Radio Continuum Emission
RF Haynes and AR Duncan
pp. 50-55
AS98056The Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
J English, AR Taylor, JA Irwin, SM Dougherty, S Basu, C Beichman, J Brown, Y Cao, C Carignan, D Crabtree, P Dewdney, N Duric, M Fich, E Gagnon, J Galt, S Germain, N Ghazzali, SJ Gibson, S Godbout, A Gray, DA Green, C Heiles, M Heyer, L Higgs, S Jean, D Johnstone, G Joncas, T Landecker, W Langer, D Leahy, P Martin, H Matthews, W McCutheon, G Moriarity-Scheiven, S Pineault, C Purton, R Roger, D Routledge, N St-Louis, K Tapping, S Terebey, F Vaneldik, D Watson, H Wendker, T Willis and X Zhang
pp. 56-59
AS98060Kinematical Study of Old HII Regions and Optical Counterpart to the DRAO Canadian Galactic Plane Survey
Steve Godbout, Laurent Drissen and Gilles Joncas
pp. 60-63
AS98064Relationships between Galactic Radio Continuum and Halpha Emission
LE Cram, DCJ Bock and AJ Green
pp. 64-69
AS98083Density Bounding of Giant HII Regions and the Ionisation of the Diffuse Interstellar Medium
JE Beckman, JH Knapen and M Rozas
pp. 83-85
AS98086Surface Brightness Measurements of Extended Galactic Nebulae
Klaus Reif and Ronald Stark
pp. 86-90
AS98091Remnant Molecular Clouds in the Ori OB 1 Association
Koji Sugitani and Katsuo Ogura
pp. 91-98
AS98103The Diffuse Ionised Gas in NGC 4449
C Muñoz-Tuñón, HO Castañeda and O Fuentes-Masip
pp. 103-105
AS98118Star Formation in Disk Galaxies
Rosemary FG Wyse, Deidre A Hunter, Jay S Gallagher and Annette MN Ferguson
pp. 118-122
AS98128 Comparison of Discrete Sources in Radio and Halpha Surveys of the Magellanic Clouds and the Potential for the New Halpha Survey
Miroslav D Filipovic, Raymond F Haynes, Graeme L White and Paul A Jones
pp. 128-131
AS98132HI Supergiant Shells in the Large Magellanic Cloud
S Kim, L Staveley-Smith, RJ Sault, M Bessell, D McConnell, MA Dopita and MJ Kesteven
pp. 132-135
AS98141LMC HII Region Luminosities versus Observed Ionising Stars
RC Kennicutt and MS Oey
pp. 141-143
AS98144A Survey for New PNe in the Southern Galactic Bulge
Michael A Dopita and Sylvie F Beaulieu
pp. 144-146
AS98147An Imaging Survey of Northern Galactic Halpha Emission with Arcminute Resolution
Brian Dennison, Gregory A Topasna and John H Simonetti
pp. 147-148
AS98149Kiso Halpha Imaging Observations of Nearby Galaxies
T Hasegawa, S Sakamoto, Y Sofue, Y Ohyama and S Nishiura
pp. 149-151
AS98155Star Formation at High Galactic Latitude: A Case for Extensions to the Halpha Survey
Kristen A Larson
pp. 155-156
AS98159Quantifying the Ionising Flux escaping from the Ultra-luminous HII Regions in Four Spiral Galaxies
M Rozas, JE Beckman and A Zurita
pp. 159-160
AS98161Internal Kinematics of the most Luminous HII Regions in M100
NSP Sabalisck, JH Knapen, JE Beckman and M Rozas
pp. 161-162
AS98165Image Digitisation of Outflows and the AAO/UKST Halpha Survey
SL Mader and WJ Zealey
pp. 165-166