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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Society
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

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The HI Mass Function from HIPASS

V Kilborn, L Staveley-Smith and RL Webster
16(1) pp.8 - 11

25 articles found in Crossref database.

NIBLES – an HI census of stellar mass selected SDSS galaxies
Butcher Z., Schneider S., van Driel W., Lehnert M. D., Minchin R.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2016 596 p.A60
New distances to galaxies in the Centaurus A group
Karachentsev I. D., Sharina M. E., Dolphin A. E., Grebel E. K., Geisler D., Guhathakurta P., Hodge P. W., Karachentseva V. E., Sarajedini A., Seitzer P.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2002 385(1). p.21
2MASS Extended Sources in the Zone of Avoidance
Jarrett T.-H., Chester T., Cutri R., Schneider S., Rosenberg J., Huchra J. P., Mader J.
The Astronomical Journal. 2000 120(1). p.298
Revisiting the cosmic cooling crisis
Balogh Michael L., Pearce Frazer R., Bower Richard G., Kay Scott T.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2001 326(4). p.1228
An Extragalactic H [CSC]i[/CSC] Cloud with No Optical Counterpart?
Kilborn V. A., Staveley-Smith L., Marquarding M., Webster R. L., Malin D. F., Banks G. D., Bhathal R., de Blok W. J. G., Boyce P. J., Disney M. J., Drinkwater M. J., Ekers R. D., Freeman K. C., Gibson B. K., Henning P. A., Jerjen H., Knezek P. M., Koribalski B., Minchin R. F., Mould J. R., Oosterloo T., Price R. M., Putman M. E., Ryder S. D., Sadler E. M., Stewart I., Stootman F., Wright A. E.
The Astronomical Journal. 2000 120(3). p.1342
New Galaxies Discovered in the First Blind HiSurvey of the Centaurus A Group
Banks G. D., Disney M. J., Knezek P. M., Jerjen H., Barnes D. G., Bhatal R., de Blok W. J. G., Boyce P. J., Ekers R. D., Freeman K. C., Gibson B. K., Henning P. A., Kilborn V., Koribalski B., Kraan‐Korteweg R. C., Malin D. F., Minchin R. F., Mould J. R., Oosterloo T., Price R. M., Putman M. E., Ryder S. D., Sadler E. M., Staveley‐Smith L., Stewart I., Stootman F., Vaile R. A., Webster R. L., Wright A. E.
The Astrophysical Journal. 1999 524(2). p.612
The Evolution of Galaxies (2002)
Pisano D. J., Wilcots Eric M.
Finding the Bivariate Brightness Distribution of Galaxies from an HI Selected Sample
Minchin R. F.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 1999 16(1). p.12
Bivariate luminosity-HI mass distribution function of galaxies based on the NIBLES survey
Butcher Z., Schneider S., van Driel W., Lehnert M. D.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2018 619 p.A89
Commission 9: Instrumentation and Techniques: (Instrumentation et Techniques)
McLean Ian S., Su Ding-Qiang, Armstrong Thomas, Brosch Noah, Cullum Martin, Dennefeld Michel, Jacoby George, Jordan Carol, Lelievre Gerard, Nishimura Shiro, Saxena A.K., Tango William, Tsvetkov Milcho
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union. 2000 24(1). p.316
HI observations of nearby galaxies
Karachentsev I. D., Karachentseva V. E., Huchtmeier W. K.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2001 366(2). p.428
The Space Density of Primordial Gas Clouds near Galaxies and Groups and their Relation to Galactic High-Velocity Clouds
Zwaan Martin A., Briggs Frank H.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2000 530(2). p.L61
The Arecibo Dual‐Beam Survey: Arecibo and VLA Observations
Rosenberg Jessica L., Schneider Stephen E.
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 2000 130(1). p.177
Atomic Hydrogen at High Redshift
Briggs F.H.
Highlights of Astronomy. 2002 12 p.464
DENIS Observations of Multibeam Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance
Schröder A., Kraan-Korteweg R. C., Mamon G. A.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 1999 16(1). p.42
The Effects of an Ionizing Background on the HiColumn Density Distribution in the Local Universe
Corbelli Edvige, Bandiera Rino
The Astrophysical Journal. 2002 567(2). p.712
HI observations of nearby galaxies
Huchtmeier W. K., Karachentsev I. D., Karachentseva V. E.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2001 377(3). p.801
HIPASS High-Velocity Clouds: Properties of the Compact and Extended Populations
Putman M. E., de Heij V., Staveley-Smith L., Braun R., Freeman K. C., Gibson B. K., Burton W. B., Barnes D. G., Banks G. D., Bhathal R., de Blok W. J. G., Boyce P. J., Disney M. J., Drinkwater M. J., Ekers R. D., Henning P. A., Jerjen H., Kilborn V. A., Knezek P. M., Koribalski B., Malin D. F., Marquarding M., Minchin R. F., Mould J. R., Oosterloo T., Price R. M., Ryder S. D., Sadler E. M., Stewart I., Stootman F., Webster R. L., Wright A. E.
The Astronomical Journal. 2002 123(2). p.873
The Arecibo Dual‐Beam Survey: The HiMass Function of Galaxies
Rosenberg Jessica L., Schneider Stephen E.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2002 567(1). p.247
The Magellanic Stream, High‐Velocity Clouds, and the Sculptor Group
Putman Mary E., Staveley‐Smith Lister, Freeman Kenneth C., Gibson Brad K., Barnes David G.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2003 586(1). p.170
Haurberg Nathalie C., Rosenberg Jessica, Salzer John J.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2013 765(1). p.66
The State of Galaxy Formation in the Local Universe
Pisano D. J., Wilcots Eric M.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2003 584(1). p.228
The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey: precursor observations of the NGC 628 group
Auld R., Minchin R. F., Davies J. I., Catinella B., Van Driel W., Henning P. A., Linder S., Momjian E., Muller E., O'Neil K., Sabatini S., Schneider S., Bothun G., Cortese L., Disney M., Hoffman G. L., Putman M., Rosenberg J. L., Baes M., De Blok W. J. G., Boselli A., Brinks E., Brosch N., Irwin J., Karachentsev I. D., Kilborn V. A., Koribalski B., Spekkens K.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2006 371(4). p.1617
Redshift Surveys and Cosmology: A Summary of the Dunk Island Conference
Colless Matthew
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2000 17(3). p.215
Neutral hydrogen surveys for high-redshift galaxy clusters and protoclusters
Battye Richard A., Davies Rod D., Weller Jochen
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2004 355(4). p.1339
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