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Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

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Taurus Tunable Filter: A Flexible Approach to Narrowband Imaging

D Heath Jones and Joss Bland-Hawthorn
15(1) pp.44 - 49

50 articles found in Crossref database.

General formulation for the calibration and characterization of narrow-gap etalons: the OSIRIS/GTC tunable filters case
González J. J., Cepa J., González-Serrano J. I., Sánchez-Portal M.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2014 443(4). p.3289
A Search for Very Extended Ionized Gas in Nearby Starburst and Active Galaxies
Veilleux S., Shopbell P. L., Rupke D. S., Bland-Hawthorn J., Cecil G.
The Astronomical Journal. 2003 126(5). p.2185
A Technique for Narrowband Time Series Photometry: The X‐Ray Star V2116 Ophiuchi
Deutsch Eric W. , Margon Bruce , Bland‐Hawthorn Joss 
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 1998 110(750). p.912
New technique to measure the cavity defects of Fabry–Perot interferometers
Greco V., Sordini A., Cauzzi G., Reardon K., Cavallini F.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2019 626 p.A43
Taurus Tunable Filter — Seven Years of Observing
Bland-Hawthorn J., Kedziora-Chudczer L.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 2003 20(3). p.242
Shocks, illumination cones and intrinsic gas structures in the extreme radio galaxy 3C 265
Solórzano-Iñarrea C., Tadhunter C. N., Bland-Hawthorn J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2002 331(3). p.673
The Brazilian Tunable Filter Imager for the SOAR Telescope
Mendes de Oliveira Cláudia, Taylor Keith, Quint Bruno, Andrade Denis, Ferrari Fabrício, Laporte Rene, de A. Ramos Giseli, Dani Guzman Christian, Cavalcanti Luiz, de Calasans Alvaro, Ramirez Fernandez Javier, Carolina Gutierrez Castañeda Edna, Jones Damien, Luis Fontes Fernando, Maria Molina Ana, Fialho Fábio, Plana Henri, Jablonski Francisco J., Reitano Luiz, Daigle Olivier, Scarano Sergio, Amram Philippe, Balard Philippe, Gach Jean-Luc, Carignan Claude
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2013 125(926). p.396
H II and H2 in the envelopes of cooling flow central galaxies
Jaffe W., Bremer M. N., Baker K.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2005 360(2). p.748
Multiwavelength Observations of Galactic Winds: Near and Far
Veilleux Sylvain
Symposium - International Astronomical Union. 2004 217 p.276
Dual-photoelastic-modulator-based polarimetric imaging concept for aerosol remote sensing
Diner David J., Davis Ab, Hancock Bruce, Gutt Gary, Chipman Russell A., Cairns Brian
Applied Optics. 2007 46(35). p.8428
McDonald Michael, Veilleux Sylvain, Rupke David S. N., Mushotzky Richard
The Astrophysical Journal. 2010 721(2). p.1262
The large-scale distribution of warm ionized gas around nearby radio galaxies with jet-cloud interactions
Tadhunter C. N., Villar-Martin M., Morganti R., Bland-Hawthorn J., Axon D.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2000 314(4). p.849
OTELO Survey: Optimal Emission-Line Flux Determination with OSIRIS/GTC
Lara-López M. A., Cepa J., Castañeda H., Pérez García A. M., Bongiovanni A., Ederoclite A., Fernández Lorenzo M., Pović M., Sánchez-Portal M.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2010 122(898). p.1495
A Search for the Optical Counterpart of the Luminous X-Ray Source in NGC 6652
Deutsch Eric W., Margon Bruce, Anderson Scott F.
The Astronomical Journal. 1998 116(3). p.1301
Identification of Galactic Wind Candidates Using Excitation Maps: Tunable-Filter Discovery of a Shock-excited Wind in the Galaxy NGC 1482
Veilleux Sylvain, Rupke David S.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2002 565(1). p.L63
OTELO survey: deepBVRIbroad-band photometry of the Groth strip
Cepa J., Pérez-García A. M., Bongiovanni A., Alfaro E. J., Castañeda H., Gallego J., González-Serrano J. I., Sánchez-Portal M., González J. J.
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2008 490(1). p.1
Diffuse Ionised Gas in Edge-on Galaxies
Rand Richard J.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 1998 15(1). p.106
A spectroscopic study of the Hα surface brightness profiles in the outer discs of galaxies
Christlein Daniel, Zaritsky Dennis, Bland-Hawthorn Joss
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2010
The OTELO survey
Bongiovanni Ángel, Ramón-Pérez Marina, Pérez García Ana María, Cepa Jordi, Cerviño Miguel, Nadolny Jakub, Pérez Martínez Ricardo, Alfaro Emilio, Castañeda Héctor O., de Diego José A., Ederoclite Alessandro, Fernández-Lorenzo Mirian, Gallego Jesús, González José Jesús, González-Serrano José Ignacio, Lara-López Maritza A., Oteo Gómez Iván, Padilla Torres Carmen P., Pintos-Castro Irene, Pović Mirjana, Sánchez-Portal Miguel, Jones Heath, Bland-Hawthorn Joss, Cabrera-Lavers Antonio
Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2019 631 p.A9
Searching for weather in brown dwarfs
Tinney C. G., Tolley A. J.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1999 304(1). p.119
Populations of High-Luminosity Density-bounded H [CSC]ii[/CSC] Regions in Spiral Galaxies: Evidence and Implications
Beckman J. E., Rozas M., Zurita A., Watson R. A., Knapen J. H.
The Astronomical Journal. 2000 119(6). p.2728
A Pair of Compact Red Galaxies at Redshift 2.38, Immersed in a 100 Kiloparsec Scale Lyα Nebula
Francis Paul J., Williger Gerard M., Collins Nicholas R., Palunas Povilas, Malumuth Eliot M., Woodgate Bruce E., Teplitz Harry I., Smette Alain, Sutherland Ralph S., Danks Anthony C., Hill Robert S., Lindler Donald, Kimble Randy A., Heap Sara R., Hutchings John B.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2001 554(2). p.1001
The peculiar cooling flow cluster RX J0820.9+0752
Bayer-Kim C. M., Crawford C. S., Allen S. W., Edge A. C., Fabian A. C.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2002 337(3). p.938
Veilleux S., Weiner B. J., Rupke D. S. N., McDonald M., Birk C., Bland-Hawthorn J., Dressler A., Hare T., Osip D., Pietraszewski C., Vogel S. N.
The Astronomical Journal. 2010 139(1). p.145
The software for the AAT's HERMES instrument
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Chiozzi Gianluca, Radziwill Nicole M., Farrell Tony J., Birchall Michael N., Heald Ron W., Shortridge Keith, Vuong Minh V., Sheinis Andrew I.
Optical Emission Lines from Warm Interstellar Clouds: A Decisive Test of the Decaying Neutrino Theory
Sciama D. W.
The Astrophysical Journal. 1998 505(1). p.L35
Hierarchical Bayesian approach for estimating physical properties in nearby galaxies: Age Maps (Paper II)
Sánchez-Gil M Carmen, Alfaro Emilio J, Cerviño Miguel, Pérez Enrique, Bland-Hawthorn Joss, Jones D Heath
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2019 483(2). p.2641
Spectacular Trailing Streamers near LMC X-1: The First Evidence of a Jet?
Cooke Ryan, Kuncic Zdenka, Sharp Rob, Bland-Hawthorn Joss
The Astrophysical Journal. 2007 667(2). p.L163
Clustering of Lyα emitters around luminous quasars at z= 2-3: an alternative probe of reionization on galaxy formation
Bruns Loren R., Wyithe J. Stuart B., Bland-Hawthorn Joss, Dijkstra Mark
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2012 421(3). p.2543
Extraplanar Emission‐Line Gas in Edge‐On Spiral Galaxies. I. Deep Emission‐Line Imaging
Miller Scott T., Veilleux Sylvain
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 2003 148(2). p.383
The mysterious absence of neutral hydrogen within 1 Mpc of a luminous quasar at redshift 2.168
Francis Paul J., Bland-Hawthorn Joss
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2004 353(1). p.301
Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation (2002)
Jones Heath
Wavelength Calibration for OSIRIS/GTC1 Tunable Filters
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Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2011 123(907). p.1107
Tunable filter imaging of high-redshift quasar fields
Swinbank John, Baker Joanne, Barr Jordi, Hook Isobel, Bland-Hawthorn Joss
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2012 422(4). p.2980
Werk J. K., Putman M. E., Meurer G. R., Thilker D. A., Allen R. J., Bland-Hawthorn J., Kravtsov A., Freeman K.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2010 715(1). p.656
Wavelength self-calibration and sky subtraction for Fabry–Pérot interferometers: applications to OSIRIS
Weinzirl T., Aragón-Salamanca A., Bamford S. P., Rodríguez del Pino B., Gray M. E., Chies-Santos A. L.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2015 454(2). p.1387
Rangwala Naseem, Williams T. B., Pietraszewski Chris, Joseph Charles L.
The Astronomical Journal. 2008 135(5). p.1825
Ionizing Photons and Extreme-Ultraviolet Excesses in Clusters of Galaxies
Maloney Philip R., Bland-Hawthorn J.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2001 553(2). p.L129
Cosmic Star Formation History toz = 1 from a Narrow Emission Line-selected Tunable-Filter Survey
Glazebrook Karl, Tober Jeffrey, Thomson Scott, Bland-Hawthorn Joss, Abraham Roberto
The Astronomical Journal. 2004 128(6). p.2652
The Taurus Tunable Filter Field Galaxy Survey: Sample Selection and Narrowband Number Counts
Jones D. Heath, Bland‐Hawthorn Joss
The Astrophysical Journal. 2001 550(2). p.593
Tunable-Filter Imaging of Quasar Fields at [CLC]z[/CLC] ∼ 1. I. A Cluster around MRC B0450−221
Baker Joanne C., Hunstead Richard W., Bremer Malcolm N., Bland-Hawthorn Joss, Athreya Ramana M., Barr Jordi
The Astronomical Journal. 2001 121(4). p.1821
An optical spectroscopic HR diagram for low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in Orion
Riddick F. C., Roche P. F., Lucas P. W.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2007 381(3). p.1077
Stellar abundance gradients in galactic discs - I. Method and spectral line gradients
Ryder S. D., Fenner Y., Gibson B. K.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2005 358(4). p.1337
Tunable-Filter Imaging of Quasar Fields atz ~  1. II. The Star-forming Galaxy Environments of Radio-loud Quasars
Barr J. M., Baker J. C., Bremer M. N., Hunstead R. W., Bland-Hawthorn J.
The Astronomical Journal. 2004 128(6). p.2660
The Warm Ionised Medium in Spiral Galaxies: A View from Above
Walterbos René A. M.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia. 1998 15(1). p.99
The Very Extended Ionized Nebula around the Quasar MR 2251−178
Shopbell P. L., Veilleux S., Bland-Hawthorn J.
The Astrophysical Journal. 1999 524(2). p.L83
A Tunable Echelle Imager
Baldry I. K., Bland‐Hawthorn J.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2000 112(774). p.1112
Mapper of Narrow Galaxy Lines (MaNGaL): new tunable filter imager for Caucasian telescopes
Moiseev Alexei, Perepelitsyn Aleksander, Oparin Dmitry
Experimental Astronomy. 2020 50(2-3). p.199
Detection and measurement from narrow-band tunable filter scans
Jones D. Heath, Shopbell Patrick L., Bland-Hawthorn Joss
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2002 329(4). p.759
Supernova 1996cr: SN 1987A’s Wild Cousin?
Bauer F. E., Dwarkadas V. V., Brandt W. N., Immler S., Smartt S., Bartel N., Bietenholz M. F.
The Astrophysical Journal. 2008 688(2). p.1210
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